Mi blog

miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014


If we do not pulled the air
We would have more oxygen

If we saved air, we would have more
If you used bicycle, you wouldn´t fuel

If you used bicycle, you wouldn´t destroy the planet
If you turned off the lamp, you would save money

If you unplugged the electrical equipment in the office, you would prevent electromagnetic pollution
If you did exercise, you would have a good life

If you had energy, you would run in the park
If you turned off light, you would save energy

If you save energy, you would take care the planet
If you turned off the light, I would spend less energy

If I unplugged electrical appliances, I would spend less energy
If it didn’t exist water, it couldn’t exist the life

If you saved water, you help the environment
If you turned off the lamp, you would save money

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